Department of legislation in the social sphere

Mirzorakhimov Feruz Abdumannabovich

Head of Department

Lawyer 1st class.

Graduated from the Tashkent State Law Institute in 2007.

He received a master’s degree from the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

For many years he worked in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

During his work in state institutions, he participated in the examination of draft normative-legal acts and facilitated the establishment of cooperation between the Ministry of Justice and international organizations.  

Sattarova Gulnoza Djurakulovna

Chief Researcher

PhD in Law.

Counsellor of Justice of the second degree.

In 2009 she defended her dissertation on “Collective and contractual regulation of labour relations in the Republic of Uzbekistan”.

Author and co-author of more than 50 scientific publications, including two monographs, two textbooks and eight manuals on labour law, social security law and gender equality.

In 2022-23 she took part in the work of the Expert Commission for the preparation of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Sobirov Shokhrukhbek Tavakkal ugli

Chief Researcher

Lawyer 2nd class.

Master of Law.

He is an independent co-researcher at Tashkent State University of Law, where he started his career as a legal adviser and later taught at the Department of “Criminal Procedure Law and Criminalistics”.

In 2018-2019, he worked at the Legislation and Parliamentary Research Institute under the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, where he participated in the development of the Concept of improvement of rulemaking.

From 2019 to 2021, he held various positions at the Research Institute of Legal Policy under the Ministry of justice, where he participated in the development of the Law on Social Entrepreneurship.

He is currently working on his dissertation research on the use of electronic data as evidence at the stage of pre-trial proceedings.

Jakbarov Sardor Ravshanbek ugli

Leading Researcher

Lawyer of 3rd class.

Master of Laws.

He is an independent candidate at the Higher School of Judges.

He began his career in the Central Office of the Agency for Youth Affairs. He also worked as secretary of the University Council at the Tashkent State Law University. Until 2023, he continued his career in the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation.

Bobokulov Azizbek Azamat ugli

Leading Researcher

Lawyer of 3rd class.

Graduated from the Tashkent State Law University in the field of “Private Law”.

Worked in the system of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Proficient in foreign languages: Russian, English.

The main tasks and activities of the Department are:

scientific, information and analytical support for the activities of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the formation and implementation of legal policy in the social sphere;

organizing and conducting fundamental and applied research aimed at forecasting and developing priority areas for legal support of reforms in the social sphere;

conducting legal expertise and preparing opinions on draft legislative acts in the social sphere, submitted for approval to the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

systemic political and legal monitoring of the effectiveness of law enforcement practice, the execution of decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, other regulatory legal acts; development of proposals for strengthening the impact of legal acts on the progress of reforms in the social sphere.