General department

Avezov Sardorbek Palvannazarovich

Head of Department

Egamov Aybek Normukhammedovich

Human resources specialist

Master in Public Administration.

Graduate of the Andijan Institute of Engineering and Economics and the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

He worked in labour authorities, in the Khokimiyats of Izbaskan and Balykchy districts of Andijan region, was a deputy of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis and worked in other state bodies. He is an innovative and highly qualified specialist in the field of employment, labour law and protection.

He was directly involved in drafting the Employment Act, the Labour Protection Act, the State Civil Service Act and the Labour Code.

He has more than 20 certificates and certificates for further training and participation in various events, including the participation of international experts.

The main tasks and activities of the Department are:

organization, control and ensuring strict compliance with the requirements of performing discipline at the Institute, preparation of management documents aimed at regulating activities in this direction;

drawing up the work plans of the Institute, monitoring and summarizing their implementation;

ensuring the holding of meetings of the Institute and operational meetings under the leadership of the Institute;

conducting a generalization of statistical reports on the activities of the Institute, preparation of analytical reports;

reception of representatives of individuals and legal entities, control over the legal consideration of applications from individuals and legal entities, organization of access to the building of the Institute;

conducting personnel work, selection and appointment of educated, morally conscientious and qualified personnel with high moral qualities;

conducting financial and economic activities of the Institute;

organization of material and technical support of the Institute.