On June 19 at the Institute of Legislation and Legal Policy under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a meeting was held with the delegation of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) led by the head of the Law and Justice Department of the Department of Governance and Peace-building K. Yoshimura.

K. Yoshimura noted that this is his first visit to Uzbekistan and he is impressed by the successful results of large-scale reforms carried out in the country under the leadership of President Sh. Mirziyoyev.

Emphasizing the satisfaction of the Japanese side with the current dynamics of development of cooperation with the Institute of Legislation and Legal Policy,
K. Yoshimura expressed gratitude for the active participation of representatives of the Institute in an online training on the topic: “Increasing the role of courts in economic liberalization,” organized in March by JICA representative office in Uzbekistan within the framework of technical assistance of the Japanese government.

K. Yoshimura said that in order to strengthen cooperation in this direction, JICA plans to organize in December in Japan a training for representatives of Uzbekistan from among the leading experts in the field of civil law.

In order to create a legal basis for the further development of mutual partnership, the Parties agreed to work out the issue of signing a memorandum of cooperation.

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