On November 16-18, 2023 in Xi’an representatives of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Policy under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan took part in the international forum on commercial and legal cooperation of the countries of “One belt – one road” at the invitation of the Association of Friendship with Foreign Countries of Shaanxi province of the People’s Republic of China.

The purpose of the forum was to exchange views on problematic aspects of legal cooperation within the framework of the realization of the chinese initiative “One belt – one road”.

The event was attended by representatives of state and public structures from the EU, Central and South-East Asia, Middle East, South America and Africa.

During the forum the current state and prospects of further development of legal cooperation between the countries of the “One belt – one road” were discussed, and recommendations on assistance to further realization of this initiative were elaborated.

During the visit of the Institute’s delegation to Xi’an, a number of working meetings were also held in research and analytical centers of Shaanxi province.