On October 26 this year at the Institute of Legislation and Legal Policy under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the framework of preparation of commentary to the Constitution held another brainstorming session on the theme: “The main constitutional priorities of the social state”.

The event was attended by domestic scholars and practitioners, as well as foreign experts: Professor from the University of Ljubljana, former Prime Minister of Slovenia Miroslava Cerar and others.

The aim of the event was to generate, together with domestic and foreign experts, ideas for identifying problems and finding solutions for implementing the provisions of the constitutional innovations in the socio-economic sphere.

During the brainstorming session, issues related to the constitutional norms in the social sphere, which take up almost 50 per cent of the entire text of the Basic Law, were discussed.

As a result of the event, relevant recommendations were developed for the preparation of a commentary on the updated Constitution of Uzbekistan.

Аt the end of the event Mr Cerar thanked the leadership of the Institute for inviting him as an expert to this brainstorming session and noted that such events with the participation of academics produce an effective result that is useful for their participants.