Deputy director of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Policy under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Vosid Ergashev took part in a scientific-practical conference held in Tashkent on April 30, this year on the theme “The Constitution of the New Uzbekistan: work done and priority tasks”.

The event, organised by the chambers of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Institute of Parliamentary Studies, was attended by representatives of the Legislative Chamber, the Senate, political parties, the Constitutional Court and research institutes.

It was noted at the conference that on April 30, 2023, a new version of the Constitution was adopted at a nationwide referendum in Uzbekistan, thanks to which a new social and political environment was formed in our country, new mechanisms for the protection of human rights and a new model for the organisation of state power were introduced.

It was emphasised at the event that the new version of the Constitution has supreme legal force and forms the basis of a unified legal space throughout the country.

The conference resulted in the elaboration of relevant proposals and recommendations on priority tasks for the implementation of the new version of the Constitution.