On May 15 this year in Tashkent the Institute held a meeting with representatives of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

During the event there was an exchange of views on improving the legislative and methodological basis for creating a system of strategic planning of public administration in the country.

At the meeting the OECD experts fully supported the Institute’s approach to the development of the legislative and methodological basis for strategic planning, which consists in the following:

– the preparation of the legislative and methodological bases of strategic planning should be based on a solid scientific foundation;

– the effectiveness of the system of strategic planning depends largely on the preliminary testing of the model of strategic planning in the pilot region;

– when creating a system of strategic planning of public administration, the issue of decentralisation of public administration is important, and these two components in their interaction can ensure the formation of an effective and compliant with international standards system of public administration.

At the end of the meeting the OECD representatives expressed their readiness for active cooperation and expert support in all issues of the projects implemented by the Institute, especially in the field of strategic planning.