On April 13 a meeting was held at the Institute of Legislation and Legal Policy with the director of the INGO “Regional Dialogue” Mrs. Myusha Sever.

During the meeting M.Sever confirmed her participation in the upcoming on April 17-18 in Tashkent an international conference on the topic “The Essence and Significance of the Constitutional Reform: New Uzbekistan – Renewed Constitution.” She also noted that “Regional Dialogue“ intends to assist in inviting a number of leading foreign experts to participate in this event.

Touching upon the prospects for mutual partnership, M.Sever proposed to establish cooperation in such areas as ensuring the rule of law, combating corruption and money laundering, improving the qualifications of legal personnel.

She reported that former Prime Minister of Slovenia, honored Slovenian lawyer, professor at the University of Ljubljana Miroslav Cerar would come to Uzbekistan in May through the “Regional Dialogue”. In order to implement joint projects in mutually agreed directions, she expressed her readiness to provide ILLP assistance in establishing contacts with this Slovenian expert by organizing a separate meeting.

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