As part of the implementation of tasks on improvement of the regulatory framework for the transition to a “green” economy in Uzbekistan, on April 3 this year the Institute hosted a theoretical seminar on the topic: “Green” economy – the economy of the future”.

Chairman of the Senate Committee of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan on issues of development of the Aral Sea region and ecology Boriy Batyrovich Alikhanov was invited to participate in the event.

During the event the current state and prospects of the development of the “green” economy in Uzbekistan and the system of its legal support were discussed.

During the seminar it was noted that the country is implementing comprehensive measures aimed at accelerating the transition to a “green” economy. Political and legal conditions have been created for the development of national legislation in this field. In particular, such key documents as the Strategy for the transition of the Republic of Uzbekistan to a “green” economy for the period until 2030 dated October 4, 2019 and the Program for the transition to a “green” economy and ensuring “green” growth in the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030 dated December 2, 2022 have been adopted.

An exchange of views took place on problematic issues arising in the process of countries’ transition to a “green” economy.

As a solution to the existing problems in this area, the participants of the seminar pointed out the need to transform the ways of using natural and energy resources by integrating into the processes of economic development the principles of “green” economy, which are aimed at low-carbon development and resource conservation in all sectors of the economy, the introduction of efficient and environmentally friendly technologies.

There was noted importance of creating modern economic and legal mechanisms, the introduction of nanotechnology, and alternative energy carriers, which will enable the country’s industry to develop new sectors of the economy related to the production of materials based on innovative technologies.

In general, this event allowed to clearly outline the tasks facing the Institute to conduct fundamental and applied research, organize expert and analytical work to further improve the system of legal regulation (legislation, law enforcement practice, strategic planning, etc.) in the field of formation and development of “green” economy.