Department of legislation in the economic sphere

Rashidov Komil Kayumovich

Head of Department

Doctor of Law, Professor.

He defended his Candidate’s thesis on the subject: “Contractual relations of cargo carriage by railway transport” (1994) and Doctoral thesis on the subject: “Problems of legal regulation of relations on international carriage of passengers and cargo” (2004).

Author of more than 70 scientific and educational and methodological works on civil law, civil procedure, private international law, international transport law, international treaty law and international migration law.

These include Commentary to the second part of the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan (international private law norms, 1998), Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Judicial Terms (2003), International Carriage of Passengers and Cargoes (textbook, 2007), Civil Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan (textbook, 2009), Commentary to the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan (international private law norms, 2011), Conclusion, Execution and Termination of International Treaties of the Republic of Uzbekistan (manual for parliamentarians, 2012), Commentary to the Civil Procedural Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan (international civil procedure norms, 2016).

Worked in the justice and judicial bodies, the Oliy Majlis, the Presidential Administration, the Cabinet of Ministers and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary). Holds the diplomatic rank of Counsellor First Class.

Participated in rulemaking activities in the Republic, in particular, in the preparation of legislative acts in the areas of civil-legal relations, constitutional construction, foreign policy and foreign economic relations. He teaches at universities and is a member of specialised academic councils and editorial boards. He has trained five Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Doctor of Science (DSc) in the field of jurisprudence.

Norbaev Nazarali Ibodullayevich

Chief Researcher

Has a master’s degree.

Working on a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD).

Dissertation topic: “Improving the methodology of international taxation in the Republic of Uzbekistan”.

Class rank: “Counselor of Justice 1st Class”.

Worked in tax authorities and justice authorities, in the Presidential Administration and in other government bodies.

He has:

– more than 20 certificates for advanced training and participation in various events, including the participation of international experts,
as well as for listening to hours on current topics in economics and law;

– more than 150 scientific articles, theses, author of a textbook on international taxation, actively participated in the development of the
Tax and Budget Codes.

Jurabaev Bekzod Latifjon ugli

Chief Researcher

He graduated Tashkent State University of Law (bachelor’s degree in 2018 and a master’s degree in 2019.

He began his career at the Legislation and Parliamentary Research Institute under the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Since 2019, he has been an independent PhD candidate at Tashkent State Law University and conducts a dissertation research on the topic: “Civil law regulation of electronic commerce” (direction 12.00.03 – Civil Law. Business law. Family law. Private international law). He is the author of over 20 publications on constitutional law, parliamentary law, electoral law, civil law, etc.

Jumaev Kakhkhor Xakimali ugli

Leading Researcher

Master of Laws.

Topic of the master’s thesis: “Legal basis for the protection and use of natural resources in the context of small business development”.

Class rank: lawyer 3rd class.

He has:

– about 10 certificates for advanced training and participation in various events, as well as for listening to hours on current topics in jurisprudence;

– more than 15 scientific articles and theses;

– about 10 appearances on television and radio covering the legal reforms ongoing in our country; – experience in analyzing legislation in the field of entrepreneurship

The main tasks and activities of the Department are:

scientific, information and analytical support for the activities of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the formation and implementation of legal policy in the economic sphere;

organizing and conducting fundamental and applied research aimed at forecasting and developing priority areas for legal support of reforms in the economic sphere;

conducting legal expertise and preparing opinions on draft legislative acts in the economic sphere, submitted for approval to the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

systemic political and legal monitoring of the effectiveness of law enforcement practice, the execution of decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other regulatory legal acts; development of proposals for strengthening the impact of legal acts on the course of reforms in the economic sphere.