Department of legislation in the sphere of international relations

Ismailov Bakhodir Islamovich

Head of Department

Doctor of Law, Professor.

He defended his Candidate’s thesis on the subject: “Theoretical problems of legal regulation of special economic zones (issues of history and theory)” and Doctoral thesis on the subject: “International standards in the area of individual human rights and freedoms and the national legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan”.

Class rank of Counsellor of Justice.

Has worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Justice authorities, the Prosecutor’s Office and other State bodies.

He has:

– more than 50 certificates and testimonies on professional development and on participation in various events. – more than 250 textbooks, monographs, manuals, scientific articles, theses.

Makharamov Arslan Rezvan ugli

Chief Researcher

Graduate of Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO-University) with honors.

Bachelor’s degree with knowledge of a foreign languages (English and German) in the direction 40.03.01- Jurisprudence, qualification – international lawyer.

Internship in the international law firm Dentons, Organization of Turkic States, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Area of interests: international security law; law of international treaties; issues of responsibility in international law, etc.

Uygunov Rasul Uygunovich

Leading researcher

Graduate of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University).

Bachelor’s degree with knowledge of a foreign language (English) in the direction 40.03.01- Jurisprudence.

Qualification – international lawyer.

Executive Secretary of the Council of Young Scientists of ILLP.

Area of interest: law of international treaties, international security law, international human rights law, political science, etc.

The main tasks and activities of the Department are:

scientific, information and analytical support for the activities of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the formation and implementation of legal policy in the field of international relations;

organizing and conducting fundamental and applied research aimed at forecasting and developing priority areas for legal support of reforms in the field of international relations;

conducting legal expertise and preparing opinions on draft legislative acts in the field of international relations submitted for approval to the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

systemic political and legal monitoring of the effectiveness of law enforcement practice, the execution of decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other regulatory legal acts;

development of proposals for strengthening the impact of legal acts on the course of reforms in the field of international relations.