On January 16-17 this year the first meeting of the Council of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Policy under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan was held under the chairmanship of the Director of the Institute M.Rakhmankulov.

In accordance with the agenda of the meeting the issues of the results of the Institute and the Council in 2023 and plans of their work in 2024, priority directions of the Council of young scientists of the Institute in 2024, the state and prospects of development of international cooperation, financial and economic activity and personnel reserve of the Institute were considered.

Quantitative and qualitative indicators of the Institute in the field of information and analytical support of the activities and implementation of the legal policy of the Head of State were analysed.

The draft programme of basic and applied research and expert analytical work of the Institute for 2024 was discussed in detail and critically.

As a result of the meeting, the reports on the work carried out for 2023 and the priority areas of the Institute’s activity in 2024 were approved, and instructions were given to the heads of the structural units aimed at ensuring a high level of information and analytical work on the formation and implementation of the legal policy.