Legal Adviser

Daurov Timur Anvarovich

Legal Adviser

1st class lawyer.

Worked in justice, prosecutor’s office and other bodies of state administration.

Participated in law-making activities in the Republic,

In particular, took an active part in the development of legislative acts in the sphere of advocacy mediation, legal service, free legal aid, etc. and other legislative acts (more than 20).

Has more than 10 certificates and diplomas for professional development and participation in various events, including participation in various events.

in various events, including participation of international experts.

He is an active co-researcher in scientific activities. He is the author of more than 20 articles on topical issues.

Scope of activities:

Organization of ensuring the rule of law and legality in law enforcement activities of the Institute;

exercising control over compliance with the legislation of the drafts of normative-legal and other documents developed (adopted) by the Institute;

participation in the Institute’s standard-setting activities.