The purpose of the event was to generate ideas in liaison with domestic and foreign expert and analytical circles to identify problems and search for solutions to implement the provisions of constitutional novelties in the judicial and legal sphere, to collect opinions and visions on further ensuring judicial and legal protection of human rights, freedoms and interests.

The event was attended by about 30 representatives from the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the Supreme Judicial Council, the Ministry of Justice, the Chamber of Lawyers, The Institute of  Parliamentary studies under the Oliy Majlis, TSUL, the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the University of Public Safety, the National Center for Human Rights, and also Slovenian legal expert at the INGO “Regional Dialogue”, former Minister of Justice of Slovenia Goran Klemenčič.

Based on the results of the brainstorming, the experts gave appropriate recommendations in order to develop a common position on the commented articles of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

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