Currently, in Tashkent region the Institute of Legislation and Legal Policy under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, together with the Branch Office of the INGO “Regional Dialogue” (Slovenia) in Uzbekistan, is conducting a training seminar on preparing a commentary on the updated Constitution.

This event, which started on July 20, is attended by over 40 representatives from over 10 ministries and institutions and the “Regional Dialogue”.

As part of the first day of the event, Professor of the University of Ljubljana, former Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia Miroslav Cerar, who was invited as a foreign expert, delivered a series of lectures on such topics as the specifics of the relationship between politics and law, the basic principles of legislation and rule-making, and special elements of rulemaking in the preparation of legislative acts.

At the training seminar, which takes place in the form of a “brainstorming”, foreign and local experts held lively discussions and exchanged views on the lectures they had listened to.

The event is scheduled to run until July 22.

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