On 16 May this year, Professor A. Akilov, Chief Researcher of the Institute, took part in the international conference ‘Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence as a promising direction for the development of management systems for regions and urban agglomerations’, held by the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences in the framework of the VI Moscow Academic Economic Forum.

The conference discussed the main problems generated by the use of neural networks and artificial intelligence in the processes of territorial management, as well as economic, social and legal aspects of the processes of intellectualisation of public administration.

In particular, the experts exchanged views on such issues as the prospects of intellectualisation of strategic planning and management of regions and agglomerations, digitalisation of management of housing and communal services complexes in regions and agglomerations, possible social and economic consequences of the application of neural networks and artificial intelligence in the management system.

At the conference, Professor A. Akilov made a report on the state and prospects of neural networks and artificial intelligence development in Uzbekistan, the main message of which was the need to create a legal framework in the country to regulate relations in this area.

The event resulted in recommendations reflecting the main theses of the speakers.