On the 21st of August this year in Warsaw, with the support of the programme “Good Governance” of the German Society for International Cooperation, the delegation of Uzbekistan led by the Head of the Institute’s Sector K. Aripov held a meeting with Teresa Kaminska, a leading Polish expert in the field of strategic planning, former member of the Council of Ministers of Poland for the Coordination of Social Reforms, Head of the Group of Advisers to the Prime Minister of Poland.

During the event, T. Kaminska presented to the members of the delegation the results of the reforms carried out in Poland in the field of decentralisation of public administration and creation of a system of strategic planning.

Special attention was paid to the discussion of the development, implementation and monitoring of the strategies for the socio-economic development of the country and its regions.

As a result of the meeting it was agreed to continue the exchange of views on the above issues.