On 18 July, a delegation of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Policy under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan met in London with Sir Christopher Pissarides, Nobel Laureate in Economics, Head of Department, Professor at the London School of Economics.

During the meeting they discussed current problems of implementation of market reforms in the country within the framework of the development strategies “New Uzbekistan” and “Uzbekistan-2030” defined by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Particular attention was paid to the issues of demography and migration, the emerging labour market and the prospects for economic development in Uzbekistan and the Central Asian region.

It was agreed to involve K. Pissarides in the expert and analytical work of the ILLP, as well as to hold with his participation relevant master classes and other scientific and practical events in the field of formation and implementation of economic policy, effective use of labour resources, as well as problems of stabilisation of the labour market.